
Saturday 3 August 2013

Finally a 'good' one after the holiday

So after my recent travel to Iceland (which was absolutely fantastic) I got back to the choppingblock. It seemed though, that I was only able to produce rubbish this week, if I managed not to break the workpiece in the proces. Today I figured I would do something about that, and instead of furiously chop on the next piece in frustration I slowed down. I decided I wanted to make a large cooking spoon with a curved but not cranked handle. This mainly because I didn`t feel up to succesfully creating a crank today. Anyhow, I selected some willow, stropped my tools and most importantly: I dug up my pencil from my carving kit for the first time in a while. Here is the 'slow-down-Daniƫl'-spoon.
 The tool-finish in the bowl is not really good. I have to take the time to sharpen my spoon hook.
Front view

Back view

Here are the items that I haven`t gotten right for some reason. The coffeeschoop is quite cranked, but I could not get the bowl right. The wood was really soft and teared easily, most likely caused by the heavy spalting. I didn`t dare to go thinner because of that, but I can`t get it even either.
 The spoon in this picture has a bad bowl-shape and the finish isn`t good. I started with a thin bit of wood and it turned out that to get all the uneven bits from splitting out I nearly had to cut it in half. The spatula is a bit better. I had given up on symmetry for the day though, it seems.
These three items (and many more that didn`t survive at all) have been made with the 'I`ll see where I'll end up'-attitude. It turns out that just like with travelling, a bit of planning can make your experience a lot more pleasant.

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